
Hi, I'm Alice!

My personal mission is to uplift humanity. Everything I teach and everything I do is rooted in this intention. YogaHii was born from there, and shares the same mission - to uplift and spread love.

I've been practicing and teaching yoga for nearly 20 years and it's impact on my life is so vast that it's hard to summarize. The simplest way to put it, is that it has helped heal my body of many injuries, but more importantly, it has brought me home to myself.

My goal with every class is to guide you home, and light you up from the inside out. At our core, we are love, inhabiting a strong, miraculous body. It's easy to forget, but when we remember, when we come home, life can be so beautiful .

Together we can light up the world. Thank you for joining me on this mission.

"Anytime you try to be a loving person, you're doing your part to save the world" - Marianne Williamson

Move with Love. Light Up the World. YogaHii.

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